INGREDIENTS: FUTURELIFE®️ Kids Vanilla Flavour FUTURELIFE®️ Kids Strawberry Flavour Low fat strawberry yoghurt ½ cup...

INGREDIENTS: 1 cup Crushed pretzels ½ cup Coconut oil, melted 4 cups FUTURELIFE® Kids Cereal Chocolate flavour To...

INGREDIENTS: Dry ingredients: 1 cup Stoneground flour ½ cup FUTURELIFE® Smart Instant Oats Classic ½...

Ingredients: (Makes 12-15 small cookies) 4 cups Futurelife® Buddy The Bear Cereal 1 cup of crushed pretzels...

INGREDIENTS: 75 g FUTURELIFE®️ Kids Oat Cereal Bits And Multigrain Pops / Chocolate 75 g Desiccated...

We've partnered with Rea Mokoko, a registered dietitian and mom whose kids love FUTURELIFE®️ - she's shared her favourite recipes showing just how...